Elite Remote Coaching




For the first time ever I’m opening up spots to the public to my exclusive remote coaching program.

This is the exact same program I use to work with my professional athletes when they are not at my facility.

And now you can have the same quality of elite coaching no matter your level, sport, or age.

Once I review your application….

Click Here to Apply For Your Coaching Call

The Top 3 Reasons Why Athletes Fall Short…

  • Programming

In a sea of saturated performance coaches on Instagram and Youtube, athletes are more than ever attempting to piece together a myriad of drills and movements that end up being useless and producing ZERO results in an athletes performance.

What athletes really need is a program designed for their needs and follows a proper progression based on sound principles. Not a bunch of guesses from their favorite IG page.

  • No Skin in the Game

When was the last time you put up or shut up? My BEST results in any off-season always came with a price. When I hired my my first strength coach I was a broke college kid who put the monthly payments on a credit card but you know what happened? I got my best results! Same thing goes when I was preparing for an NFL Regional Combine, I paid a high end coach to design a program based on my needs. When you put something on the line you get your return because you invested in yourself. When it’s free you have nothing at stake and typically leads to failure.

  • Paralysis by Analysis

I talk to athletes around the world each day. I can tell which ones have potential and which ones don’t simply by the questions they ask. With information so available you have guys majoring in the minors and focusing on so much unneeded information that it literally stunts their growth. They get into a frenzy comparing and contrasting information they find online that they only end up contradicting themselves. The goal is to buy in and trust someone who has actual experience and has lead many athletes before you into real measurable results.



What you put in with me you will get out. It’s time to get focused on your #1 goal this off-season. It’s time to stop reading and watching and begin doing. It’s time to make it happen. I will make you focused on one thing and one thing only… the next step you need to take each day to get you to achieving your dream goals.

As we move from phase to phase, you’ll realize the programming is designed based off your real time feedback. The body is a beautiful thing and has a way of helping navigate exactly what you need on a day to day basis of how to get to your goal. We apply the right movements see how you respond over time and strategically design the next phase based on your bodies response.

There are multiple paths to the end goal and it’s about having a coach that has the right compass to get you to your end result… which is your deepest goals realized.

Every phase is CUSTOMIZED to fit you! Every month we work together, we will devise a customized program individualized to fit your needs. Every athlete has a unique way of adapting to training stimulus and I simply want to identify what you respond best to and prescribe more of it as we advance. It applies to so many factors such as… movement selection, volume, intensity, rest, and of course your sport.

Here's exactly what you get...

Most athletes have weaknesses, these weaknesses can stem from anywhere; whether it be muscular imbalances, faulty recruitment patterns, strength and muscular deficiencies, or even the lack of confidence in your sport. If you're looking to take your athletic career to the next level then DaVinci Fitness Elite Remote Coaching is for you.

100% Customized Training Program

I will personally design a custom program based off your needs and goals. I will break down where you are at and where you need to go based on your movement efficiency, strength levels, speed, agility, and power. With this in mind I will design your own DaVinci Fitness training program as if you walked in my gym.

100% Customized Nutrition Coaching

You'll get custom macronutrients to follow along with your program. When you combine both training and nutrition together you'll get the best results possible.

Support on Email and Whats App

You gain access to my personal email and Whats App number where you will have 24/7 access to me regarding any questions or issues you have in following your program. Any questions regarding your program or any advice I can offer from my experience I will help you navigate through.

Access To DaVinci Fitness Exercise Database

Sometimes exercises are hard to understand. By becoming part of DaVinci Fitness Elite Remote Coaching you will have full access to my exercise database. Here you'll be able to find over hundreds of video demonstrations on how to perform the exercises I program into your routine.

Unlimited Video Analysis

Get your own movement analysis and discover what you need to fix when it comes to exercises like your squat, bench, deadlift, sprinting mechanics and vertical jump.

Here's exactly how 1-on-1 Coaching with me works….

Like I tell all my guys, you can’t manage what you can’t measure. Starting off I will need to get a little data on you based on your goals and sport. We work diligently the first month to determine the metrics that will translate to you getting better.

Once our beginning numbers are established I will build out a program based off your needs and each month after as you wish to stay on board (I typically recommend a minimum of 3 months to get serious results).

Before you apply please read this 10 point checklist below….

  • ​YES, I understand that even though not required the best results come from focused training of 3 months or more.

  • YES, I understand that my program will be built out and tailored towards my needs.

  • YES, I understand Coach Smith will answer my emails within 48 hours via email.

  • YES, I understand I need to follow the program with 100% focus and intensity.

  • YES, I understand I will need to provide feedback via measurable, photos, and videos based on my goals.

  • YES, I understand that I will need to train anywhere from 3-6 days per week with each session ranging from 45-120 minutes pending my goals.

  • YES, I understand that my monthly investment is roughly the same as a one hour session with Coach Smith in person. With that being said if at anytime I am not compliant with the program I can be let go.

  • YES, I understand that your time is valuable and complaining, substitutions, and excuses are not tolerated unless it is an absolute must.

  • YES, I understand that it takes ownership of myself to give all my effort, dedication, drive, and commitment.

  • YES, I understand I need resources based on the goals I have. Don’t tell me you want to get faster if you claim you don’t have anywhere to perform sprint training.

  • YES, I am sure that I can afford this elite coaching program and believe I am a great fit for it to ultimately invest in myself.

With all of this understood, please fill out the form entirely to start your process of acceptance into the program. After filling out your information you will be taken to a page where you will pay for month 1 for me to get started.

If for any reason I feel you are out of my scope of practice with online performance coaching, not a good fit, or I simply believe I can not make you better I will inform you and you will receive a full refund immediately.

Disclaimer: Andre Smith is not a licensed dietitian or nutrition specialist. All information you obtain will be directly from Andre's dietitian, Ryan Cromwell, own experiences. It is of best interest for anyone looking to start a training program to consult a physician before doing so; it would be wise to have blood work done, and a physical performed by a licensed physician. Before submitting this application, please read and understand the following: You totally understand that you may injure yourself as a result of participation in a fitness program, and hereby release DaVinci Fitness and Performance LLC. and Andre Smith from any liability now or in the future for any injury, including, but not limited to heart attacks, death, muscle strains, pulls or tears, broken bones, shin splints, heat prostration, knee/lower back/foot injuries and any other illness, soreness or injury however caused , occurring during or after my participation in the training program offered. By submitting this application, you state that in consideration of your participation in Andre Smith’s training program, you for yourself, your personal representatives, administrators, heirs and assigns, hereby holds harmless, DaVinci Fitness and Performance LLC. and Andre Smith, from any claims arising from your participation in the training program. By submitting this application, you affirm that you have read, have been honest with DaVinci Fitness and Performance LLC., Andre Smith and also fully understand the above information. You have been given the opportunity to present questions in all related matters.